Saturday, February 7, 2009

Currently on the sticks

Currently I'm working on a baby blanket for the Prayer Shawl Ministry. The idea came from a nice lady I met last week at a local church. She was knitting a baby blanket with a combination of three different yarns, all in pastel colors. The result was gorgeous, and she made knitting with multiple yarns look so very simple. I had to give it a whirl.

I'm guilty of trying to make things more complicated than they truly are, in knitting and in life in general. Therefore, the thought of multiple yarns almost gave me a headache. I just knew I needed one of those finger thingys (the fingertip cap that separates multiple yarns for you.) Now I don't know what the finger tip is for; it certainly wasn't needed to join two yarns nor did the lady need one to join three. Does anyone out there know what these finger tip things are for????

This is the beginning of a beautiful relationship...

all courtesy of lovely, donated yarn. The edge is a fuzzy yarn of some sort. It appears similar to Fun Fur, but it's a softer, finer texture. There is only a small skein of it, perfect for edging. We had a full skein of the lemon yellow which is a Caron Simply Soft and two of the smaller skeins of a rainbow pastel, unlabeled.

As I sifted through the bags of donations this combination appeared, each from a different bag. What a blessing to be able to put them together and find them a new home! I just hope there is enough yarn for a decent sized blanket.


Jadielady said...

I think the finger thingy goes on the pointer finger of your left hand, if you do continental knitting (or picking).

(though I don't tension my yarn or hold it like that, I just wrap it around my pointer finger and go!)

Thumperdd said...

Thanks Jadielady!

Hey! That's a great tutorial on continental knitting. Great idea for a post. Thanks!