Thursday, January 1, 2009

You HAVE to see this...

Surfing the web I ran across this video. I know. This is a blog about knitting, but you'll NEVER believe this...this group has a video where each scene is made from individual intarsia knits! 717 to be the bottom of the last few frames. Unbelievable!

Les peaux des lievres - Tricot Machine
(click the arrow in the middle to play)

Can you imagine how much work went into making this video? We're talking months of non-stop knitting. Look at the expressions on the faces. Oh my gosh! If I could one day be so talented!

I gather that tricot means knitting in French. If that's so then to call themselves "Knitting Machine" couldn't possibly be more accurate! Can you imagine how many people have been inspired by their music and stitching talent...WOW!

You'll find the groups My Space link - although it won't be of much use unless you speak French or simply look at the 2 years of middle school French doesn't get me far...I don't see anything about how Jacqueline is doing on here...

Enjoy and be inspired!


Mrs. U said...

Wow! Wow! Wow!

Mrs. U

Thumperdd said...

My goodness, you're up late! Isn't it neat???? I couldn't wait until the morning to post it and I can't sleep due to this nasty cold I have, so I thought I'd tinker...