Thursday, March 12, 2009

My new knitting group...

Tonight is the first meeting of a new knitting group that I found on this neat meeting group website, Meet I found this site purely by accident. After completing a search for local knitting groups through GoodSearch, I followed a link that led me to another link, which led me to this link. How lucky can you get?

I've been searching for a group since the early fall and finally happened upon this one that started in January. What does the bible say? "Ask and you shall receive, knock and the door will be opened..."

It's called CraftDen and it's for anyone that has a portable handcraft - knitting, crochet, smaller quilting, etc... A nice lady that moved to the area from another state thought this one up for us. When I joined in early February there were about 10 other members. Now there are over 30! From the looks of it most are knitters. Wow! Apparently there were alot of us waiting on someone else to take the initiative...

We'll be meeting tonight at a local Starbucks. I'll let you know how it turns out!

In the mean time, get yourselves on over to and find some local groups in your area. They have everything from crafts, weekend getaway clubs, and paranormal societies to chess and motorcycle clubs. I'm sure you'll find something to get involved with!

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